How I love you
You are so big and wondrous
And full of hullabaloo
I am drawn to you
like a mosquito to a bug zapper
And no matter what I choose to wear
You consider it quite dapper
Your people are so diverse
And they speak in many tongues
Your streets and parks are nice
And your gutters contain no dungs
No matter what I choose to do
Be it sightseeing or shopping
You have it all at my disposal
If in a cab I feel like hopping
Your buildings are so tall
Your attention span so short
My feet enjoy your sidewalks
Even with my planter's wart
You are the big apple
And I like to take a bite
Time's Square is quite lit up
Especially at night
You have a lot of old
And historical type things
Also, the Naked Cowboy
Who plays guitar and sings
I can go and see Matt Lauer
And even be on TV
Or buy some knockoff sunglasses
And drink wine in little Italy
There are way too many things
For me to go into here
So I will just thank you for your bars
And all your awesome beer
I love you New York City
Of this there is no doubt
That wraps up this post
So... Stickman out!

I be lovin me some Big Apple too.